November 11, 2012

Un curs de pel.lícula

The Sound Of Music has always been one of those family movies one can enjoy watching to have a nice and relaxing time both for the music and for the story in itself (based on the true story of the Trapp Family).  

This youtube shows the part of the film when they sing the famous song Do, Re, Mi. Enjoy watching and singing.

In the tab "Study&Practise" at the top of this blog you will find  karaoke versions to learn the lyrics and practise English singing this song.


And talking about this I would like you to watch this flashmob done in Belgium. I think it's great! Enjoy!


October 31, 2012


Take a look at the video Jaume has recorded at home!! 
He is in the Giraffes group (2nd year) and likes English very much. 
Here you can see him saying the Halloween chant we have been practising in class. 
Thank you Jaume for this contribution to the blog.


September 12, 2012



How was your summer? 
We are sure you all had  wonderful holidays full of interesting and great activities.

From this blog we want to wish you the best for this new school year, no matter the scissors...!!!

Enjoy your learning!!

June 29, 2012

I'm going to the...

You have already seen Year4 students acting out in English, but have you seen them singing and acting at the same time? Watch it. They love doing it!

June 20, 2012


On May 30th children at year 2 went to see Cinderella at the theatre, it was very funny!
Enjoy the pictures!

June 06, 2012

Super Samantha

Once a week the lesson of English is done in small groups and that's a good moment for us to do drama.
In this video you can watch what the we did one of those days. As you can see we like acting out and having a good time practising what we study!

We just want to show you what we do, even if it is something not very well prepared because we think you like to know how we work in the English class.

May 08, 2012

SNOW WHITE. Year 3 at the theatre

We never told you that at the beginning of March Year 3 classes went to see the play of Snow White at Lluïsos d’Horta. We all spent a great time there because the performance was very good and there were many moments of fun!!

We were lucky because some of us had the oportunity to go on stage and experience what is like acting or playing for a big audience.

Pol had to help a dwarf to tidy up the cottage. Marta and Pau had to sort out all the dirty things and put them either into the washing machine or into the fridge because there was such a mess in that house!
Júlia was asked to be the mirror but queen Esmeralda did not like at all hearing that the nicest girl was Snow White. Then Júlia had to escape running away as fast as she could, otherwise she would have been caught by the queen!
Near the end our friend  Rubén became the handsome prince of the story and that 
was amazing because he wanted to leave before finishing and the actors had to make him stay! He did it so well that we couldn't stop laughing.
You can see in the pictures that what we tell you is true!

In order to understand well the play and the songs we had been working on it in class.   

In the first oral lesson we had once the play had been seen, the students acted out their  favourite moment and most of them chose the classic  "Mirror, mirror on the wall... "  

We like  showing you the results but do, please, take into account that students were improvising! You will see that they all had a great time in class!

May 04, 2012

I'm hungry!

Year 3 have been singing these songs in class and we would like you to watch how they do it!. 

April 03, 2012

ROBIN HOOD. Year 5 at the Theatre

After the Easter Holidays more interesting activities were about to come at  "Mc Pumpkin Torrent School"...
Year 5 classes went to the theatre! 

On Friday 13th, Year5 students went to see the play Robin Hood at Lluïsos d'Horta.
The whole play was performed by an actress and an actor acting as different characters. They were very good. We specially enjoyed the moments when some of our classmates were called to go up on stage and act in front of all of us. 
Valeria had to do a competition...
...and Ariadna had to dance!

 Elena was all of a sudden Lady Marion! She was delighted  to be near Robin!

Below you can see an extract of the play with which you can guess the fun we all had that morning.

March 29, 2012

Little Red

On April 20th children at 1st class went to see Little Red play at the theatre. Enjoy the pictures!


February 22, 2012

Tell me what's a...?

Year 6 students acting out sketches explaining
objects and feelings with a great sense of humour.
We had a great time.

   Watch the video where students took the idea from.
   They wrote their own dialogues and performed them.

January 25, 2012

TARZAN. Year 4 at the theatre

The 20th of January the pupils at 4th Class went to the theatre to see the play of Tarzan.
We had a great time because we understood the story very well and had fun with all the characters. 
We could participate and  interact with the actors singing the songs, going on stage when we were asked to, laughing...
Biel was the crocodile and Laura had to compete with a boy from another school. It was very funny!!
You can see some of the photos the teachers took that day, as well as a short video showing the moment when Biel became the crocodile of the story. He was good at that!
In the oral lesson we had after having seen the play, the students had great fun trying to perform their favourite moment of the play.

 This video reminds us the play.

Tarzan - IPA Productions from IPA Productions on Vimeo.